
Showing posts from May, 2018

Writing evidence for open badges applications

Criteria for badge: Writing evidence for open badges applications 1. watch the video ‘Advice on evidence for Open Badges applications’ I watched the video ‘Advice on evidence for Open Badges applications ’ on Tuesday, the 22nd of May 2018. 2. download and read ‘Open Badges hints and tips #1’ factsheet I downloaded and read the fact sheet on Tuesday 22nd May 2018 and have included a link to it in my sssc badges blog 3. tell us at least three things you learned from the video and why these are important to you (100 words) I learned that I can use video and sound clips as evidence for my badges. This is important to me because I am busy and use a mobile device and so recording is a quicker and more convenient way for me to record my evidence.  This also reminded me that I could use voice to text apps to streamline the process. I also learned how to structure my evidence using the template for reflective writing specifying experience, knowledge , skills , reflections and