Writing evidence for open badges applications

Criteria for badge: Writing evidence for open badges applications

1. watch the video ‘Advice on evidence for Open Badges applications’

I watched the video ‘Advice on evidence for Open Badges applications ’ on Tuesday, the 22nd of May 2018.

2. download and read ‘Open Badges hints and tips #1’ factsheet

I downloaded and read the fact sheet on Tuesday 22nd May 2018 and have included a link to it in my sssc badges blog

3. tell us at least three things you learned from the video and why these are important to you (100 words)

I learned that I can use video and sound clips as evidence for my badges. This is important to me because I am busy and use a mobile device and so recording is a quicker and more convenient way for me to record my evidence.  This also reminded me that I could use voice to text apps to streamline the process.

I also learned how to structure my evidence using the template for reflective writing specifying experience, knowledge , skills , reflections and applications. This is important as it enables me to provide relevant and high-quality reflective evidence that will assist me  in gaining my badges and improving my skills.

Finally, I learned that I should consult my manager in my Open Badges learning and applications.  This will help me to apply my learning to my work environment and improve my working practice as a result.

4. discuss  the hints and tips with your manager and tell us what you will do to involve them in your future badge applications (25 words).

I have emailed my manager with a link to my SSSC Open Badges blog with direction to the factsheet and suggestion that I can utilise the Open Badges scheme within my professional development planning, Tuesday 22nd May 2018, with a view to discuss further at my next induction session.

5. tell  us about at least one thing you will do to make your colleagues aware of Open Badges and why evidence is important.

I will be attending supervisee training on Wednesday the 23rd of May 2018 and will use this opportunity to raise the topic of the SSSC Open Badges. This will be a relevant forum in which to discuss Open Badges with my colleagues and feeds  into the topic of professional development plans which will be covered in training.    Evidence of meeting the criteria for the badges is essential so that those with whom I share the badges can get a good idea of the learning and development I have achieved and what exactly is represented by the Open Badge.


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